Customizing OmniFocus in Version 2.3

When the Omni group released OmniFocus version 2, the most frequent complaint I heard was concerning the data layout. With the prior version all test data was on a single line which allowed you to see more on the screen at once. Version 2 added a different layout that takes a bit more vertical space but, in my opinion, was better.

With the recent release of OmniFocus version 2.3, that has all changed. You can now officially have your cake and eat it too. By default, OmniFocus still displays tasks with the version 2 “Fluid” view. There is, however, a new preferences window that lets you change that layout to display columns. You can set it globally or just with respect to certain perspectives. While I still generally prefer the flow view, custom perspectives (and denser data) makes more sense for my clear perspective, so I’ve set it up in that perspective only. You can learn more on the Omni Blog.