Force Awakens Costumes, Models, and Props
While attending the Star Wars Celebration yesterday, I got the opportunity to tour an exhibit of costumes, Models, and Props from the upcoming Star Wars, The Force Awakens movie. This pushed all my nerdy Star Wars buttons and it will probably press yours too. SPOILER ALERT: Be advised these pictures most certainly contain spoilers. There are a lot of images in this gallery. Enjoy.
They had a fantastic model the new X-wing, even with a tiny pilot in the cockpit.
So it appears there are still rebels and they are fighting against something called "The First Order".
Note the new rectangular antenna. You may recall Lando knocked the old one off in Episode VI.
Did you know the new villain is named Kylo Ren? Neither did I.
It's pretty intimidating just standing next to it. I really liked the mask.
I shot a lot of pictures of all the costumes. If you are a cosplayer, send me an email and I'll give you the full enchilada.
I really liked how rough it was around the edges. Notice the red wire trailing along the handle. Looks like something you'd cook up on your own ... without a Master to show you how.
I didn't get a picture of the information card, but this lightsaber hilt and several other pictures props were 3D printed.
Did you notice what is strapped to his jacket?
That sure looks like Anakin's lightsaber on Finn's jacket. The last time I saw that it was falling through cloud city attached to Luke's severed hand. So how did Finn get this? Hmm.
You read it right.
Stormtrooper + Flame thrower = awesome
Not only did the Snowtrooper get new armor, we are apparently going somewhere cold in The Force Awakens.
I'm already fascinated with this character. Note the staff is 3D printed.
Notice that blaster she is holding? Look familiar?
Sure looks a lot like Han Solo's blaster to me.