Sponsor: OmniGraffle

This week MacSparky is sponsored by OmniGraffle, the best tool for creating precise, beautiful graphics. I use this application to create diagrams, logos, flowcharts, and everything in between. OmniGraffle is both powerful and easy to use. Using OmniGraffle's built-in stencils, you can build diagrams without a lick of artistic talent. If you don't find the stencil you want, you can download more in Stenciltown. Stenciltown is a curated collection of OmniGraffle assets made by people much more talented than me. Whenever I'm making a cute little image or diagram for a presentation or video, Stenciltown always bails me out.

OmniGraffle is designed by the OmniGroup's crack team of programmers and UI designers so you don't get lost in menubars. When you are done, you can export your graphic to numerous formats. Check out OmniGraffle for Mac and iPad today.
