Macworld Agrees: Dragon Dictate 4 is Better

Today Kirk McElhearn weighed in for Macworld on the new Dragon Dictate. It's better. I thought version 3 was pretty good and yet version 4 is noticeably better. I've received some email from readers following my initial thoughts on Dragon Dictate 4 on two subjects.

First, I'm asked if the UI is in parity with the Windows version. It's not. The gap gets narrower with each successive release but most things (particularly voice corrections) just seem smoother on the PC version. For me, however, the ability to run it on my Mac trumps any difference.

The other subject I'm hearing about from readers is how they had such a hellish time getting their upgrade or experiencing some other hijinks with their purchase. I heard this from several people. It sounds like in most cases it eventually got sorted out but took much longer than it should have. That's no excuse and Nuance needs to get better at dealing with individual consumers. All I can say in this regard is stick it out if you want the best possible voice recognition on the Mac. Dragon's it.