About MacSparky
David Sparks is a nerd who podcasts about getting more out of your Apple Technology, Automating your life, and getting more focused. David also publishes MacSparky.com where he writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. David’s favorite thing to do is build the MacSparky Field Guides. When not doing all that stuff, David practices a bit of law.
David is @macsparky on Twitter and Instagram.
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Talk to Leilani, who is way more on top of things than David.
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Get to David. I enjoy hearing from readers and listeners. Indeed, it warms the cockles of my heart. However, I am a lousy correspondent and for that I am sorry. I do sometimes reply, but not always.
For instance, if I write and say “Thanks”, then you reply and say “Thanks for saying thanks”, then I most likely will not reply and say “Thanks for saying thanks to my thanks”, because if I did that, it would require you to reply “Thanks for saying thanks to my thanks for your thanks” and that, of course, would trigger an implosion of the entire universe.
Finally, please note that while MacSparky.com is advertiser supported, there are no “strategic cross-posting collaborations” or money for imbedded link deals. If you are writing me to make such a proposal, please, please, please don’t.