Disclosures and License

MacSparky.com is edited by me, David Sparks, for Apple nerds. Even though I am an attorney, the day that I provide any legal advice or opinions here, hell will actually freeze over. The opinions expressed on this site are solely my own and do not reflect the views of anybody else, not even my mom. MacSparky.com is not associated with Apple, Inc.


Pursuant to 16 CFR Part 255, the Federal Trade Commission’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, please note: (1) Mac and iOS software and hardware developers routinely send me free versions of their products to review. I sometimes keep and continue to use these products that I did not pay for after posting my review, which might be considered a form of compensation for my review, but I do not believe that I let that color my review. (2) When I post links to product pages on Amazon or on the iTunes App Store, my links include a referral code so that when products are purchased after clicking on the link, I sometimes receive a very small percentage of the sale. While the amount that I receive is small, it does help to defray some of the cost of running this site, and gives me a small vested interest in having readers of MacSparky.com purchase products using these links. Again I do not believe that I let that color my review of products. If you have any questions about this, send me an e-mail.
