Home Screen: Casey Liss
This week features Casey Liss (Twitter)(Website). Casey is a combination straight man/voice of reason on the Accidental Tech Podcast and a very nice fellow. So Casey, show us your home screen.
Favorite Apps
My favorites are the ones I get the most use out of. That list begins with Tweetbot, which I use more than I should. I also quite likeSilo, which I use to keep shared lists with my wife; also, Check the Weather to, well, check the weather. Finally, Fantastical, which is far and away the best calendar app I’ve used.
Guilty Pleasures
Definitely GIFwrapped, which was just released. I have an unhealthy love of animated GIFs, and GIFWrapped lets you get easy access to your animated GIF folder in your Dropbox. (Because, obviously, everyone has an animated GIF folder in their Dropbox). You can copy images or get URLs in no time.
What’s Missing?
Tons of things I don’t know I need yet.
How many times a day do you use your I use your iPhone
Way, way too many. I work as a software developer, so I’m on my Mac all day long during the work day; the iPhone gets a reprieve then. Outside of work, I’m working on being content with not being actively entertained 110% of the time. As much as I love my phone, appreciating the world immediately around me is far more important.
Favorite Feature?
Absolutely its flexibility. The iPhone is truly a pocket computer. The iPhone’s lack of physical distraction from the main input device–the screen–allows it to be remarkably adaptable to any situation.
For a more boring yet concrete answer, Do Not Disturb has been wonderful for allowing more consistent sleep.
If you were the boss at Apple, what would you do?
I would love for Apple to loosen the reins a wee bit for developers. While iOS shines in large part because of its simplicity, there is so much power lurking beneath the surface, waiting to come out. Some are showing us how to make amazing things happen despite the handcuffs. That said, some proper inter-app communication could really give iOS the shove from something to work around versus something to workwith.
It’s a fine line to walk–an “anything goes” attitude would actually be terrible. However, with limits, inter-app communication could really make iOS into a workhorse.
Thanks Casey.