Apple Watch in April

Today Apple had its financial call where Tim Cook and the gang explained they'd sold 74 million iPhones and earned $18B in profit during the last quarter, which by any generally accepted accounting principle just seems crazy. More interesting to me was this little nugget Tim dropped about the Apple Watch,  “Apple Watch will ship in April, right on schedule". Okay, I'll accepted that April is early 2015, but just barely. Either way, I think it is interesting that Tim would so casually share this information on an earnings call. I can't remember Apple ever disclosing something like this on an earnings call before. It all sounded so casual but I find it hard to believe anything said on a financial call wasn't planned and vetted first. If it truly was off the cuff, you go Tim.

Speaking of the Apple Watch, I'm getting pretty eager to learn more and get one. If you haven't looked at the Apple site lately, you should go back and check our their Timekeeping page. They added that page a month or two ago and I really like the look of the watch faces (particularly the Utility face) and the little on screen widgets, called complications. While I originally crinkled my nose at that name, complications, upon further research, it appears that is indeed the name given to objects on a watch face. I'll have much more to say about the watch as further details are disclosed but for now, I'm just looking forward learning more.