Apple TV Remote Tricks
Following up on yesterday's post about Siri commands, here's another full of Apple Remote tricks:
Home Button
That button in the upper right corner is a home button. Once you accept that, things get easier.
App Switcher
Double clicking the home button opens the App Switcher. This works just like on iOS. Swipe between them to switch apps without hitting the home screen. Swipe up to force quit an app.
Sleep Apple TV
Hold down the home button for a few seconds.
Return to Music App
If you are playing music in the background and want to return to the Apple Music app, hold down the play/pause button.
Scrubbing Video
Swipe right or left on the trackpad. You can also move forward or backward in 10 second increments by clicking on the right or left side of the trackpad. Hold down on the right or left side of the trackpad to scrub forward.
If you accidentally scrub (which happens often with he trackpad), click the "Menu" button to return to your original location.
Video Settings
Swipe down while watching a video for audio and closed captioning options.
Move and Delete Apps
Click and hold in the home screen to move an application with the trackpad. Click and hold even longer to delete an app.