App Camp For Girls Funding Campaign and Matching Funds Offer
I am so proud of my friend Jean MacDonald (Twitter). She left her business and took an enormous risk to start App Camp for Girls. Jean is truly making a dent in the universe.
I am also particularly proud of the role Mac Power Users listeners and MacSparky readers have played thus far in App Camp for Girls’ success. Not only have you provided financial support, several of you have also donated your time and expertise. It actually makes my heart swell.
Today App Camp for Girls has started a new public funding campaign. The funding goal is $100,000. These funds will be used to bring the program to more girls and more locations. Just as important, success there will convince corporate sponsors that App Camp is for real and help win even more corporate sponsorships.
Matching Funds!
Katie and I feel strongly about this. So much so that we’ve agreed to personally match funds contributed to App Camp for Girls by Mac Power Users listeners up to the first $1,000. Nothing would make me happier than writing a big check. So why don’t you help me out with that?
To participate:
1. Donate to the App Camp Indiegogo campaign as you normally would, including choosing from one of the available perks.
2. Email a copy of your donation receipt (feel free to redact any personal information but leave the amount) to with the words “AppCamp 3.0” (no quotes) in the subject line.
3. Katie and I will jointly match MPU listener donations up to $1,000.
Jean MacDonald will be our guest on Mac Power Users in early June to give us an update on her progress and talk about how she used technology to get a non-profit up and running. I’m hopeful we’ll also be able to announce we’ve raised enough money to sponsor a Mac Power Users team at App Camp for Girls this summer.