Home Screen: Michael Simmons
What are some of your favorite apps?
Fantastical 2
More than anything else, I made Fantastical for myself and still use it every day.
Apple Mail
The way I do email, Apple Mail works for me. I like the more recent feature additions, like swipe to mark as read.
I’m a calorie counter and this app makes it painless. I’ve had a running streak of counting calories every day for three years now.
This is my favorite Twitter client. I use it for both my personal account and my Flexibits account and I’m using it all the time.
I’m strangely addicted to Periscope. I’m still trying to figure out what I’ll broadcast but I really enjoy watching the broadcasts. As a communications major, I find the idea of anyone being able to stream from anywhere really interesting, a new intimate form of communication.
This is my favorite app for listening to music and I love being able to (pretty much) listen to whatever song I want, when I want it.
I most often take Instagram pictures when I travel but I check it every day.
What app makes you most productive?
Fantastical. Of course.
What app do you know you’re underutilizing?
I’m not very good at writing things down on my iPhone. I want to get better at taking notes on my phone.
How many times a day do you use your iPhone?
A lot! (laughs)
What Today View widgets are you using and why?
I use the Fantastical widget and also like Dark Sky in the Today view, which shows the forecast for the next hour very quickly. I also keep my stock information there.
What is your favorite feature of the iPhone?
That it all just works. Of course things can be improved but I like the ecosystem and how it all works.
If you were in charge at Apple, what would you add or change?
I would like to add the ability to see and use two apps side-by-side which could add the potential to do things like drag and drop.
What’s your wallpaper and why?
I’ve used the same dark perforated leather wallpaper for a long time. It was created by Adam Betts. (I originally had it on my Mac.) It looks great and doesn’t draw my attention away.
Can we see your Apple Watch watchface?
Thanks Michael.