Sponsor: SaneBox →
This week MacSparky is sponsored by SaneBox. SaneBox is my secret weapon in the war against email and it can be yours too. SaneBox is server based so it can work with any email client. I use it with Apple Mail.
There are so many great benefits to SaneBox. First and foremost is filtering. SaneBox looks at all of my incoming email and filters it for me to appropriate mailboxes. That way, the first thing in the morning I see are only those emails that are most important.
However, SaneBox can do so much more. I used to make fun of email deferment until I started using it with SaneBox. Now I use it all the time. When an email comes in that I don’t need to deal with for a couple days, rather than giving myself the extra work of scheduling a response in OmniFocus, I just defer the email two days. It disappears and then shows up again in my inbox in two days and I can deal with it then. SaneBox is highly customizable so you can set defer periods in hours, days, and weeks.
There is a lot more to SaneBox. If you get a lot of email, the service can really help. You can learn more at SaneBox.com. Note the links in this post will get you a discount when you subscribe.