Home Screens: Brady Bhalla
I’ve met so many interesting people through MacSparky. One of those is young Brady Bhalla. Brady and I have emailed each other several times and he is so articulate I couldn’t help asking him to do a home screen post from our youngest contributor yet. So Brady, show us your home screen.
What are some of your favorite apps?
One of my favorite apps on my iPhone is Overcast because I love listening to podcasts. My favorite podcasts are Mac Power Users, Clockwise, Upgrade, ATP, Liftoff, and Connected. Another app that I like is the News app because I can stay up to date about what is happening in the world. I also really like WeMo and IFTTT. If my WeMo Motion in my room detects motion it will turn on the other lights in my room. If I long press my WeMo light switch, the lamp on my side table turns off or on. One other app that I like is Slack. My family and extended family have a channel that we use like a private Facebook.
Which apps are your guilty pleasure?
The games I play the most are Crossy Road, The Blockheads, and Plants vs. Zombies 2. My parents have restrictions on how much time I can play games, so I can’t play them as much as I want.
What app makes you most productive?
One app that makes me productive is 1Password. I have a shared vault with my dad so he can also see my passwords. Some other apps that make me productive are the ones I use for school. These apps are Google Docs, Google Classroom (to check any new assignments), Documents (I scan in my finished homework papers with Scanner Pro and save them in Documents), and StudentVUE (to check my grades). I also sometimes use Notes to plan a big project if I have one. One other app that makes me productive is OmniFocus. I don’t usually use it but sometimes I need to make a packing list before a trip and I use OmniFocus for that.
How many times a day do you use your iPhone?
I usually use my iPhone about five times on a school day, but more on a weekend. I use it so little on a school day because we aren’t allowed to use it during school hours. The things I use my iPhone for the most are weather, news, games (if I’m allowed to), and listening to podcasts.
What is your favorite feature of the iPhone?
There are many features that I really like to use on my iPhone 6s, but if I had to choose one I would probably choose 3D Touch. The things I use it most for are switching apps back and forth and using Peek and Pop to look at my emails and Messages.
Do you have an Apple Watch? Show us your watch face and tell us about it.
I don’t have an Apple Watch, but my parents got me a Pebble Time for Christmas. I use the Simplicity face which just tells me the date and time. I love being able to get texts and other notifications without getting my phone out. I also use my Pebble to track my steps and how much sleep I’m getting.
Thanks Brady!