TextExpander (Sponsor)

TextExpander, MacSparky’s sponsor this week, helps you work faster and smarter so you can focus your time on your most important work. If there’s a thing you type more than a few times, it probably needs TextExpander. When using TextExpander, you can instantly insert snippets of text as you type by using a quick search or an abbreviation instead of typing out whole lines, sentences, or forms. Use these abbreviations to streamline and speed up everything you type with just a few keystrokes. You’ll be typing less and saying more.

Let’s say you crafted a response in an email you sent and you want to use it again to reply to another email. You know it’s somewhere, and you just have to find it. Instead of taking to the time to hunt for that email, and then copying and pasting that line, sentence, or paragraph you searched for, you can save that as a snippet so it’s ready at your fingertips for all the times you want to use it. Working faster and smarter sounds pretty cool, right? If you want to give TextExpander a try, now is the time. Click here and get 20% off.