Last Call for Paperless Launch Discount
It’s just a few days until the introductory discount goes away on the Paperless Field Guide. If you’d like to up your Paperless game, now’s the time.
It’s just a few days until the introductory discount goes away on the Paperless Field Guide. If you’d like to up your Paperless game, now’s the time.
I'm so pleased to announce the release of the all new Paperless Field Guide. The Paperless Field Guide takes the mystery (and fear) out of going paperless with your Apple technology. The video course includes 95 videos with nearly seven hours of content to turn you into a paperless ninja. The material is accessible to beginners and power users alike, with a thorough explanation of all the hardware, software, and workflows necessary to finally conquer paper.
The course is available now with an introductory price of $24 (the normal price will be $29). I can't do upgrade pricing on this one because the prior Paperless Field Guide was on a different platform, so I am making it $5 off for everyone.
The Paperless Field Guide, by the numbers:
Paperless geekery deciphered
Nearly seven hours
95 videos
Nearly 7G of video files
PDF and ePub transcripts
Downloadable scripts and shortcuts
Fully captioned
Combined videos for easier download
This course covers all of the critical components of a successful paperless system on your Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
Discover how you can capture paper and other digital information with the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. This chapter also demystifies optical character recognition and explains how you can put it to work for you.
Learn how to reliably name, index, and store your paperless documents with various systems and options.
Now that you have created a paperless workflow, learn how to access, edit, and sign your paperless documents from anywhere on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
One of the advantages of keeping digital documents is the ease of sharing them. Learn how in this course.
The Paperless Field Guide is broken down into 19 sections and 95 videos. It covers all of the major topics on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac independently, so you can learn to go paperless on your platform of choice or combine the best tools on each platform to build the paperless workflow that’s right for you.
All videos are captioned, and there is an additional ePub and PDF with transcripts of all of the videos. I'm really happy with how the Paperless Field Guide came out. There is a 45 minute sample on the sales page. I hope you dig it.
I am currently hard at work on an all-new second edition of the Paperless Field Guide. I am already deep in production and pleased with how it is coming out. While the curriculum is pretty thorough, it isn’t in stone just yet. If you’ve got ideas or problems you’d like to see solved with a new Paperless Field Guide, please send me an email ( with a subject line “Paperless Ideas”. While I can’t include everything, I promise to read your emails and consider them. It looks like the new Paperless Field Guide will release in late August/early September.
As part of this, I’ll be taking the old version down from the Apple Book Store. (If you already purchased it, you will still have access.) I can’t wait to share the new version with you.
Today my most recent update to the Paperless Field Guide went live in the iBooks Store. Updates include:
All of the Field Guides include free updates for at least two years following initial publication. Have I said lately how much I love that I can update these books and keep them relevant?
Paperless version 1.3 is available for download in the iBookstore and via PDF. This update includes the new Scansnap iX500 scanner, including a new movie. There are also updated sections on NeatCloud, PDFpen for Mac version 6, and some additional services. Since I finished this update, there have been even more new improvements (like yesterday's Hazel update) so version 1.4 is already in the works.
To download this new version in the iBookstore you need to delete the book and re-download it. (I know. It is a big file.) Because Paperless pre-dates the book-updating mechanism, it appears there are issues. (I'm working on this for 1.4.)
Thanks again everyone for supporting me. My plan is to keep doing incremental updates for free with the Field Guides and then do a second edition a few years after original release. Enjoy.
Yesterday was a great day for the MacSparky Field Guides. Markdown launched with a lot of success. I really enjoyed the twitter stream and feedback about the book. I particularly liked the tweets and email from people who always wanted to try Markdown and found this book the way to get them over the hump.
When Eddie and I first decided to do a book on Markdown, several nerd-friends told us we were nuts and that Markdown was such a niche topic that nobody would care. I think just the opposite. I think Markdown is a technology that needs to find its way to non-geeks and that's why we wrote the book.
At a deeper level, I enjoy writing and distributing these books so very much. In a lot of ways, it feels like the best work I've done of my lifetime. Thank you everyone for supporting me in this.
I am going to issue an update to Paperless. Several technologies and workflows have changed since the last update last September. You can expect that pretty soon.
As for the next big Field Guide, I've already got a big pile of words towards it and I'm looking forward to really digging in. The subject is another one of my personal crusades and I can't wait to share it with you. You'll probably see it sometime in the summer (hopefully early summer).
Thanks again everyone for supporting me on the MacSparky Field Guides.
Thanks to @macosguy and Reneé for sending me this.
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Apple has started a new special area in the iBookstore to feature independent authors called Breakout Books. The New York Times explains it all. I'm thrilled to report Paperless made the cut.
I know it isn't always easy dealing with big corporations but I must say the excellent team at the iBookstore has had my back since day one.
In addition to providing a very kind review of Paperless, Jim Kelly at GeekDad interviewed me concerning Paperless and new workflows. The update is still on track. Everything is nearly ready to publish. I need to work out a few kinks and then it will be ready to roll. If you haven't already, signing up for the Field Guide Newsletter is a really good idea.
Macworld ran an excerpt from Paperless today, How I Name Files on My Mac. I have no idea how to write this without sounding like a dolt but I am so grateful for all of the nice things people say about Paperless and my entry into self-publishing.
A lot of people don’t own an iPad or live somewhere that doesn’t have an iBookstore. For them, I’ve just released a PDF version of the Paperless Field Guide. Go nuts. I looked at a lot of ways to deliver this PDF but ultimately decided on a simple PDF file (with embedded Internet links) and a folder containing all the screencasts. I didn’t bury the screencasts in the PDF for a few reasons:
It was going to be Flash-tastic, and I don’t like that.
Separating the video gives buyers the most options. You can put them in iTunes, or store it in a folder. You can also read the PDF separately.
It is a big download, weighing in at almost 900MB. Enjoy.
Overall, I’m thrilled with my first self published book. It is still #1 in the iTunes computer books category and I’m getting tons of great feedback. Moreover, yesterday I started a new Scrivener project. Stay tuned.
I’m preparing for trial this week and didn’t expect the Paperless Field Guide to get approved and released so I’ve been running double-time all week. I’m getting plenty of tweets and e-mails about the book so thought I’d post a bit here.
1. Thank You
I’ve had so many kind tweets and emails about the book. Thank you everyone for the warm reception. (Don’t even get me started on how warm and squishy the iTunes reviews make me.) I still can’t believe it is holding strong as the #1 Computer book in iTunes and the #6 book overall. Bananas.
2. I Don’t Hate Denmark and Norway
Actually, visiting those places is most certainly on my bucket list. Nevertheless, a mistake on my part prevents me from listing the book there at the moment. I’ve got a ticket into Apple and it should be straightened out shortly. Otherwise, the book is listed in all 30 countries that Apple will let me list it in.
3. There Will Not Be a Kindle Version
There is no way a Kindle could give the same experience as the iPad with this book.
4. There will be a PDF Version
I know that not everybody has an iPad or lives in a country with an iBookstore. As soon as I finish my trial and the dust settles, I’m going to publish and sale a PDF version and (hopefully) package in the screencasts. I’ve still got to figure out the logistics. If you are interested, sign up for the newsletter below.
5. The Newsletter
In the book, there is a link to sign up for my Field Guide Newsletter. This is a simple newsletter, TinyLetter, that will only send out notices when I have updates or new MacSparky Field Guide titles. I won’t flood your your mailbox with useless crap and whizzy graphics. Promise.
6. Updates
I intend to update the book with corrections and new content. At some point I may release a second edition but not for at least two years. I’m still working on the update process. I know sometimes books get pulled down from the iBookstore while updates are pending and I don’t want that to happen. Nevertheless, I already have a list of things to change/add.
7. More Titles
I’m working on the next one now and I’ve got a list of future titles. I really enjoy writing these book/new media thingies so I hope you like reading them. I give no promises on when the next one releases. These things take awhile.
8. Did I Say Thank You?
All of the love and support warms the cockles of my heart. Really. My cockles are so warm right now.
I’m thrilled to announce my newest book, The MacSparky Field Guide to going Paperless. The book is a deep dive on paperless workflows for the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. It takes full advantage of iBooks Author and includes picture galleries, interactive images, movies, 32 screencasts, and nearly 27,000 words. There is over an hour and a half of video. Not only does this book tell you how to go paperless, it also shows you.
I’ve been cooking this idea of the MacSparky Field Guides for years. I wanted to make a series of books that go into excruciating detail on technology and iBooks Author is the perfect tool. I spent a lot of time getting the layout and video just right and I’m really pleased with the final product.
These Field Guides are a big deal to me. I had tons of great advice on how to price this book ranging from really expensive to $2. There is no existing model for this kind of book but, ultimately, I decided upon $5. I want a lot of people to see this book. I’m really proud of it. If you buy and dig it, please write a review. I want the word to get out about Paperless.
This book is unlike anything I’ve ever done before and I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed producing it. Because of its interactive nature, the book is iPad only. I don’t plan on releasing a Kindle version. I may create a PDF + Video version if there is demand but this book really begs to be read on an iPad.
The book is currently available in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Austria, Germany, and France. More countries are coming.