Focus Wallpapers →
Joe Darnell had the simple idea of taking stock Apple Wallpapers and blurring them. The results are quite pleasant and a nice addition to your wallpaper folder.
Joe Darnell had the simple idea of taking stock Apple Wallpapers and blurring them. The results are quite pleasant and a nice addition to your wallpaper folder.
I'm a fan of subtle wallpaper on the iOS Springboard. Today Federico Viticci at MacStories ran an article with a few good app recommendations to help you create your own.
Following yesterday's post about my home screen, a lot of people were asking about my wallpaper. I picked it up somewhere on the Internet around the time the iPhone 5 released but now I can't find where. If anyone knows, please send me a note so I can give credit and a link to its creator but for now, here it is.
Several readers wrote in to say the wallpaper's creator is Dan Waldron (@dwaldron) who shared it with this tweet. Moreover, I'm pretty sure I found it with this post at MacStories.
Thanks everyone for writing in and thanks Dan for some great work.
Hector Simpson just updated my favorite subtle wallpapers for the Retina MacBook. Hooray for Hector.